
A Tribute to the Life and Works of Kenneth A. Lagerquist by the Rev. Edward Boucher, former Rector of Good Shepherd

In the course of our busy and active years, it is not at all surprising that, once in a while, we meet an individual whose gifts and sheer presence literally overwhelm us. Such a charismatic individual was Ken Lagerquist. Ken was truly a man of action. In every single one of his endeavors, he gave unstintingly. His determination to make “things work” was legendary. How fortunate were we at the Church of the Good Shepherd to be able to count on Ken for any number of ministries, especially the work of the church’s outreach to those in need, whether they be in our very own Rhode Island neighborhoods, or half-way around the world.

The Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island’s major outreach, the Episcopal Charities Fund, was, after his Good Shepherd family, the outreach closest to his heart. Following his inspirational lead, Good Shepherd’s support of the Fund over many years has been exemplary. Speaking of inspiration, how blessed Good Shepherd is to have so many of her members responding to his example of faithful service, especially the members of his own family.

Jesus reminded his disciples that to whom much is given, even more will be expected. Ken never hesitated to respond to the call of the Gospel, and he did so with grace and determination – and always good-humoredly. Although he is no longer with us, the memory and record of Ken’s love for his church will be a source of strength and pride for the people of Good Shepherd for many years to come.

“Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

As a parish we still give thanks for the leadership of Ken Lagerquist who is with us now only in spirit and memory. Ken’s spirit and life long dedication to helping those with need continually urges us on in the area of outreach and regularly calls on us not to be content with what we’ve done but to keep it up and do more!

Ken was our inspiration to donate not only a portion of the means towards building a home for a family in Dumay, Haiti but to provide the total necessary funds to do so. We heard it regularly from Ken, “Everyone at Good Shepherd is part of the Outreach Committee,” and “Good Shepherd is known for its commitment to outreach.” We pray that the passion of Ken Lagerquist for our outreach programs will continue to inspire each and everyone of us in our future endeavors.

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